Squaxin Island Tribe to Use Grant to Protect and Restore Goldsborough Creek


goldsborough fall 06-1

SHELTON – The Squaxin Island Tribe will use a nearly $1 million federal grant to further restore Goldsborough Creek, one of the largest and most important salmon streams in deep South Sound. “This grant gives us the ability to address the health of Goldsborough Creek on several fronts,” said John Konovsky, environmental program manager for the Squaxin Island Tribe.

The grant will fund a project with three goals: restoring and protecting habitat in the creek, protecting stream flows, and restoring habitat in the creek’s estuary while preserving a working port.

It builds upon the removal of the Goldsborough Creek dam almost 10 years ago which opened up 25 miles of salmon habitat. Since then, the tribe has tracked an increase in juvenile coho production despite an overall decline in wild coho populations in the region.

For more information, see:  http://www.nwifc.org/2010/04/squaxin-island-tribe-to-use-grant-to-protect-and-restore-goldsborough-creek/.