Update: Judge Paula Casey ruled in favor of the Squaxin Island Tribe to protect Johns Creek!
Fish runs in Johns Creek, near Shelton, have been shrinking for years. Wells are stealing water that should flow into Johns Creek. Ecology has refused to stop new wells until it knows where wells can be safely drilled.
So, the Tribe sued Ecology and Mason County. In March 2011, Judge Paula Casey issued a great opinion! She said that Ecology made a big mistake in denying the Tribe’s request.
Come again and watch round 2. This time, the battle is over what Ecology must do when the case is returned to it for corrective action. Ecology wants a free pass, but the Tribe wants more — real benefits for fish. On Friday morning, September 2, the Tribe’s Legal Department will argue the Tribe’s case to Judge Paula Casey in Olympia.
When: Friday, September 2, 2011, at 9:00 a.m. It may happen later in the morning, but we will not know until the day before…
Where: Thurston County Superior Court, 2000 Lakeridge Dr. SW, Olympia, WA 98502. Go to Building #2, Room # 257.